What is an idea?
It is the different thought which “singles out” from the others and it will give you solutions to your problems.
This is exactly how and why we act with fresh solutions which cover the needs of our clients
How to transform and an idea into an action?
By analyzing each individual part you will find what is necessary for the achieving it
So we offer the whole package (above and below the line) thus covering all the requirements from the design,
to the production up to the world wide web part of advertising.
Greek ideas ...
The Greek are famous for their way of thinking clever but also for the right result of their work internationally.
This goes for us as well. Moreover, with the years of experience in the Greek market our know how to move
flexible and precisefrom our colleagues up to our clients .
Different ideas ...
We are not afraid to "be different" that is why we always stear away from the routine of standard advertising
thus achievingeffective ways and approaches for the consumer always with correct fundamentals for aesthetics
but also the best possible cost which will allow for perfect result.
and the most of the small bars, clubs, cafe restaurants
of Athens, Thessaloniki, Mykonos, Santorini, Samos, Creta, Rhodes.